We have 3 High Masses coming up in Birmingham. Two at the Oratory for the customary transferred-obligation Feast Days of Ascension and Corpus Christi. Fr George will be Celebrant of the Third West Heath Ss John Fisher & Thomas More Solemn High Mass (Red) on a Saturday this year, which will be followed by refreshments.

Last Month the First LMS Pilgrimage to York took place, and our coach was packed with 53 people, including six under-12s, and three Priests. Fr Anton even gave us a short conference on the coach and led us in the Rosary. Therefore I propose we have a further TWO coach trips, in May and July for the annual Downside Abbey High Mass and Holywell Pilgrimage.
Please register your support NOW so I can confirm this with the Coach Company Midland Glowbelle. Pick-ups from West Heath, Edgbaston and West Bromwich. Buying both tickets for each event together I will give a discount. Final price TBA Approx £15
I will embed a .pdf of the Newsletter in due course.
Weds Apr 20 - St Michael's West Bromwich (Monthly 3rd Wednesday) Low Mass 6pm
Sun 24 April - EASTER SUNDAY - Birmingham Oratory (Weekly Sunday) Low Mass 9:30am
Sat 14th May - ***Pilgrimage to Downside Abbey*** coach approx £15 cost TBA Solemn High Mass
Weds 18th May - St Michael's West Bromwich (Monthly 3rd Wednesday) Low Mass 6pm
Thurs 2nd June - Solemn High Mass for the Ascension - Birmingham Oratory 7.30pm
Weds 15th June - St Michael's West Bromwich (Monthly 3rd Wednesday) Low Mass 6pm
Thurs 23rd June - Solemn High Mass for Corpus Christi - Birmingham Oratory 7.30pm
Sun 3rd July - *** Pilgrimage to Holywell *** coach N. Wales - approx £15 cost TBA Solemn High Mass
Sat 9th July - Solemn High Mass for Ss John Fisher & Thomas More (MM) at St John Fisher, West Heath
for 3rd Patronal Solemn High Mass - 12 noon, followed by refreshments.
Contact Fr George 0121 475 3194 if you can help with food.
Weds 20th July - St Michael's West Bromwich (Monthly 3rd Wednesday) Low Mass 6pm