On Thursday the Birmingham Oratory celebrated its now customary Mass for the Epiphany, on its original untransferred Twelfth Night!
Vidimus stellam eius in Oriente, et venimus cum muneribus adorare Dominum
We have seen His star in the East, and are come with gifts to adore the Lord
Of particular note was the Subdeacon, Br Richard Duncan, who is the newest member of the Birmingham Oratory community. He has previously trained at Wonersh receiving the ministry of Acolyte, which in the modern Church is the highest 'minor order' and thus places him in the obvious role for Subdeacon of the Mass. Although he has taken this role in the Oratory's Ordinary High Mass, this was the first time he had done so for the Extraordinary Form. The Celebrant was former Provost Fr Paul Chavasse and the Deacon was Fr Anton Guziel, former diocesan Priest but now a full member of the Oratory Congregation.

The Oratory choir sang Palestrina's Missa Papae Marcelli, the same as this time four years ago when the Oratory started their regular EF High Masses, which was even before Summorum Pontificum.
A full collection of photos can be found here.
I was really pleased I could attend this. Thanks for the post, great photos!
Dear Matt! I hate to correct you but it is the second time that Br.Richard has been sub-deacon at an EF mass. The first time was on Corpus Christi, Thursday, 3rd.June 2010. Thankyou for the great photos. God bless. Anne.
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