Welcome to the site for News, Events and up-to-date Information on Traditional Catholicism in the West Midlands (UK). I am one of the Diocesan Representatives for the Latin Mass Society of England & Wales for the Promotion of the Traditional Roman Rite.

Monday, 25 April 2011

The "Liturgical Creed"

I believe that the Traditional Rites of East and West contain within themselves so many elements of Apostolic origin that it is impossible to separate these from the elements added by post-Apostolic ecclesiastical tradition.

I believe no man here on earth (Pastor Aeternus, IV, 6) can rightfully determine the complete abrogation, full substitution, or substantial derogation of any received Traditional Rite, of East and West, which contains inextricable Apostolic elements.

I believe Ecclesiastical History continuously proves that the rights of the liturgical rites "established by long and immemorial prescription" have always been respected by the Holy Roman Church, even in ages of great liturgical crises and heresies (Quo Primum; Quod a Nobis).

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost,
as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end.

Famous FSSP on NLM!

check it out over at New Liturgical Movement, who deigned to check out my Blog and publish one of my photos and linked to me, in accordance with my Creative Commons License. So why not pop over there and boost their stats!

It was fabulous Good Friday Liturgy. Some of us in the congregation were very old-fashioned in our postures with pre-'55 rubrics!

God bless the FSSP in their Reading Apostolate. But what a shame we can't have something like that in Birmingham for the Triduum.

Sunday, 24 April 2011

Happy Easter!

Friday, 22 April 2011

Good Friday

My photos of todays Solemn High Liturgy at Reading by the FSSP

Friday, 15 April 2011

Not that I'll be going, but...

Picture: from recent Pontifical EF Mass in Amsterdam. Not going is also avoiding occasions of sin, but this photo is a truly beautiful example of the fullest expression of the Roman Rite of the Catholic Faith is Christ Jesus truly present in the Mass!

Also being advertised by Joe Shaw:

The Association Youth and Tradition

And the Sodality Priestly Friends of Summorum Pontificum

Rome, 13-15 May 2011


The Third Conference on the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum of

the Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI

“Hope for the entire Church”

Monday, 11 April 2011

St Catherine's Trust Family Retreat

Family Retreat

The annual family retreat took place last weekend at the The Oratory School in Berkshire. It featured traditional Latin Mass and Office, spiritual talks, activities for youngsters, and a Gregorian Chant Course running alongside led by the composer Colin Mawby.

Family RetreatThe weekend is structured around the Church's Traditional Liturgy. This year, because Easter is a lot later than normal, it fell on the weekend of Passion Sunday (the fifth Sunday in Lent). There was daily sung Mass, Compline (night prayer), Solemn Vespers on Saturday evening, daily communal Rosary and a Marian procession.

Despite the sombre tone to the liturgy, which culminated in the statues, crucifixes and images being veiled on Sunday; we were basked in glorious sunshine for the whole duration. This was particularly splendid for the Marian Procession on Saturday afternoon around the grounds of the school, which the children had made beautiful little banners for. Despite the retreat taking place during Lent this year, the children were not deprived of their Easter egg hunt!

It has always been an important weekend for us to unwind and address our spiritual concerns, pulling our lives firmly into focus. The abundance of small children there help with this; injecting real joy and laughter into our time there. It is quite easy to stand back and realise one is looking at the future of the Catholic Church in these Isles. Deo Gratias!

More Images: Flickr

Monday, 4 April 2011

Mass News Apr-July 2011

We have 3 High Masses coming up in Birmingham. Two at the Oratory for the customary transferred-obligation Feast Days of Ascension and Corpus Christi. Fr George will be Celebrant of the Third West Heath Ss John Fisher & Thomas More Solemn High Mass (Red) on a Saturday this year, which will be followed by refreshments.

Last Month the First LMS Pilgrimage to York took place, and our coach was packed with 53 people, including six under-12s, and three Priests. Fr Anton even gave us a short conference on the coach and led us in the Rosary. Therefore I propose we have a further TWO coach trips, in May and July for the annual Downside Abbey High Mass and Holywell Pilgrimage.

Please register your support NOW so I can confirm this with the Coach Company Midland Glowbelle. Pick-ups from West Heath, Edgbaston and West Bromwich. Buying both tickets for each event together I will give a discount. Final price TBA Approx £15

I will embed a .pdf of the Newsletter in due course.

Weds Apr 20 - St Michael's West Bromwich (Monthly 3rd Wednesday) Low Mass 6pm
Sun 24 April - EASTER SUNDAY - Birmingham Oratory (Weekly Sunday) Low Mass 9:30am
Sat 14th May - ***Pilgrimage to Downside Abbey*** coach approx £15 cost TBA Solemn High Mass
Weds 18th May - St Michael's West Bromwich (Monthly 3rd Wednesday) Low Mass 6pm
Thurs 2nd June - Solemn High Mass for the Ascension - Birmingham Oratory 7.30pm
Weds 15th June - St Michael's West Bromwich (Monthly 3rd Wednesday) Low Mass 6pm
Thurs 23rd June - Solemn High Mass for Corpus Christi - Birmingham Oratory 7.30pm
Sun 3rd July - *** Pilgrimage to Holywell *** coach N. Wales - approx £15 cost TBA Solemn High Mass
Sat 9th July - Solemn High Mass for Ss John Fisher & Thomas More (MM) at St John Fisher, West Heath
for 3rd Patronal Solemn High Mass - 12 noon, followed by refreshments.
Contact Fr George 0121 475 3194 if you can help with food.
Weds 20th July - St Michael's West Bromwich (Monthly 3rd Wednesday) Low Mass 6pm

Next Coach Trips

After the overwhelming success of the Birmingham & Black Country trip to the First National LMS Pilgrimage to York, when 50 lay and 3 clerical pilgrims took part in the some-700 people there present....

I may be organising TWO further Coach Trips. Please let me know immediately, (even if just by commenting) of your interest, so I can confirm it with Midland Glowbelle.

The events are:

1) Solemn High Mass at Downside Abbey
Sat, 14th May 2011

2) LMS Pilgrimage to Holywell
Sun, 3rd July 2011

Reduced prices if you book both these Events together. Prices TBA

Deo Volente

Sunday, 3 April 2011

Lætare Sunday

North Nottingham LMS don't have a website, so I'm happy to report on this. This video was recorded today at Corpus Christi Church on the Clifton Estate in Nottingham. The singing I thought was particularly good, and the ritual pretty well executed. Couldn't get any photos unfortunately!

Laetare, Jerúsalem: et convéntum fácite, omnes qui dilígitis eam: gaudéte cum lætítia, qui in tristítia fuístis: ut exsultétis, et satiémini ab ubéribus consolatiónis vestræ
Rejoice, O Jerusalem, and come together all you that love her; rejoice with joy, you that have been in sorrow: that you may exult, and be filled from the breasts of your consolation.


During Lenten Ferias, High Masses in the Extraordinary Form have slightly different rules of posture. Rather than standing; the servers in the sanctuary, Priests in choir, and therefore the congregation, should KNEEL from the Dominus Vobiscum of the Collect, Secret and Post-Communion. This is a more restrained posture of prayer for this penitential time, since standing adds a joyful gravitas to these important 'proper' prayers.

Fr Leo Chamberlain criticises the LMS and Joe Shaw

The Latin Mass Society got too much "party spirit"? Criticism of the Novus Ordo "will not do"? I'd say both these characteristics make the LMS as strong as it is today. Otherwise all the volunteer workers, including me, simply wouldn't bother!

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